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Fear not little flock

“Fear not little Flock”

The Lord Jesus Christ Matthew said in Luke 12:32, “Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the Kingdom.”  


In times like these, when the future is uncertain (is it ever really certain?), or, more accurately, filled with more uncertainty than we normally experience, anxiety, worry, and fear can overwhelm us. 

In times like these, I turn to prayer and God’s Word for comfort—and my own personal testimony and experience is that it has never failed me. Such is the testimony of so many others, as well.

 In times like these the Lord Jesus Christ speaks to our situation . . . 

Now, please notice something important about Christ’s command “Do not be afraid.” It does not stand alone, as if in a vacuum. Even apart from a very encouraging context leading up to Luke 12:32, the very verse itself, is filled with encouragement.

Christ doesn’t simply give the instruction (“Do not be afraid”), but He also gives the reason why: “for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the Kingdom.”  And, with that Kingdom Possession, comes Kingdom Power through the indwelling Holy Spirit.

Kingdom power can conquer fear.
Kingdom power can overcome worry.
Kingdom power gives hope.


It’s not just about Kingdom Power, which is inseparable from the Kingdom, however, that Kingdom Power originates in . . . 


Kingdom Possession.

Kingdom possession gives us an eternal inheritance in glory.
Kingdom possession gives us an eternal replacement for those things we might lose   during such a trial as this that we find ourselves in:
—Kingdom riches replace loss of earthly riches
—Kingdom health and life replace earthly health and life
—Kingdom purpose redirects our own imagined earthly purpose
—Kingdom desire replaces our self-appointed earthly desires


Perhaps even more encouraging, at least to me, than the “Kingdom” is Who gives the Kingdom: our “Father” in Heaven. 

Kingdom possession is only possible because of Kingdom Relationship: the Owner and Possessor of the Kingdom is our Father in Heaven. It is only because He has chosen us for salvation, that He has “chosen gladly to give” us “the Kingdom”—His Kingdom; the Kingdom His Unique, Beloved Son rules over as King.

If we ever doubt God’s love for us, just remember, our “Father has chosen GLADLY to give us the Kingdom.” It was not given to us begrudgingly. It was done willingly and gladly. “Gladly” is how our Heavenly Father gives us all that we need to live a life that brings Him glory and brings us blessing from Him.

We are not just “a friend of God” as we like to sing, but we are, even more, a child of God! Having the Kingdom as part of our inheritance in Christ is only because God has adopted us into His family through faith in Christ. For, a Kingdom is only inherited by those who are part of the Royal Family. 

Rejoice, you are a child of God by faith in Christ, and part of God’s Royal Family and nothing that happens in this world, nothing that satan throws at us can ever change that.

Kingdom Relationship. Kingdom Possession. Kingdom Power. What encouragements during times of trial.

Isn’t it great to be a child of the King!


On a personal note, this absence has indeed produced a longing in my soul, in my heart for you all. Personally, I cannot wait to see you all again, and to worship our Lord together with you. In my head I knew the strength that you all gave to me in my walk with Christ, but, now, my heart painfully recognizes the loss of that iron sharpening iron fellowship. You all have been such a part of our lives these last three-and-a-half years. Missing you all seems as if part of our hearts has been torn away. All of you are in our prayers, and the only thing we desire more than gathering together again with you at GGC, is to gather together with you, and our Lord, in the clouds! Maranatha! Even so, come Lord Jesus. Amen.


Brothers and sisters, if you have any concerns or needs during this time of trial, please don’t hesitate to contact the pastoral staff of Grace Gospel Church. If you don’t have one of their phone numbers, just phone the church office and they can give you Paul’s cell phone. If you haven’t yet received a pastoral phone call from Fred or Paul or Trey, you should receive one if you have left your phone number with Grace Gospel Church.

Be sure to reach out to Jon DuPonte and thank him for providing the motivation to post these devotionals.