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The church is full of needs within it's membership and from without. In the New Testament community there was a need for servants so that the elders could have the ability to focus on their primary role in teaching the Word of God.  Thus servants were appoint to office to help lead in fulfilling those needs.

The office of Deacon serves the Lord and the local church by caring for the needs of the church through visiting the sick, benevolance work, meeting physical needs, the helping of widows, orphans, and the poor.  The overall goal is to facilitate unity within the church for the promotion and spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


The Lord has blessed Grace Gospel Chruch with the current Deacons:

Mike Pare
Arnold Lane
Chris Faris
Kevin Royds
Kim Royds
Debbie Teixeira
Ernie Soares
Dan Melendez
Ron Tetrault
Deanne Tetrault
Adele Leeks
Claire DiManno
Joyce Fortune
Janet Womack
Maxine Teixeira
Mark Ternes